12 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi

3rd Global Conference on Child Labour in Brasilia...

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·         Brazil will host the 3rd Global Conference on Child Labour in Brasilia, from 8 to 10 October 2013, to propose measures to accelerate action towards the 2016 target of eradication.  The ITUC encourages your participation in the e-discussions at http://www.childlabourdialogues.org. Recommendations from this platform will be the basis of the event’s discussions and decisions.

·         We use this opportunity to remind workers’ organisations of reporting obligations and to send in comments to the ILO Committee of Experts, with a copy to the ITUC, before the August 30 deadline (as per ITUC Circular Letter to Affiliates n°10). If you need assistance in preparing the comments, please let us know in advance. Civil society organisations are encouraged to contact their national trade union centre or the ITUC with relevant information. Below you find your country’s status in the ILO reporting cycle on some Conventions particularly relevant to combating forced labour and human trafficking:

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