European Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology and other involved Professions
EFCAP|EUROPE is the umbrella organization for European Forensic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology and other involved Professions, with members in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom) as well as Australia, New Zealand, Republic of Korea and United States.
The aims of EFCAP|EUROPE are:
- to improve the assessment and treatment of children and young people who find themselves in the justice system as well as their families and carers.
- to improve facilities and to facilitate joint international scientific research.
- to promote interdisciplinary training and interdisciplinary education.
- to exchange data obtained from research and to exchange practical experiences and innovative research and treatment methods.
- to gather information on and to contribute to national and European policy, in so far as this policy affects young people.
- to raise awareness of the need for constant change in the criminal and civil justice systems, so as to provide as well as possible for the interests and the development requirements of children and young people.
Online Programme is Now Available
Have a look at the scientific programme that is made up of Keynote Sessions, Symposia, Oral Presentation Sessions, Workshops, Poster Lunches and other sessions belonging to the "German Symposium" on 9 March 2012. You can search by day, session format or topic. Still not finding what you are looking for? Try seaching by keyword.
If you have any questions regarding the online programme, please don't hesitate to contact us directly at
For the first time at the EFCAP Congress in Berlin young forensic researchers
will have an opportunity to submit latest research posters until 13 January
2012 for a poster session on Friday, 9 March 2012. This gives young forensic
researchers the chance to communicate their first results or to describe and
discuss new study designs, especially since the EFCAP congress provides an
opportunity to discuss new developments with colleagues and experts from
all over Europe and many other countries around the world.
will have an opportunity to submit latest research posters until 13 January
2012 for a poster session on Friday, 9 March 2012. This gives young forensic
researchers the chance to communicate their first results or to describe and
discuss new study designs, especially since the EFCAP congress provides an
opportunity to discuss new developments with colleagues and experts from
all over Europe and many other countries around the world.
Abstract submission deadline: 13 January 2012
Please send the following information to
- Name and complete contact information of the poster author
- Name(s) of co-author(s) if applicable
- Title of research poster
- Topic of research poster
- Abstract text (150 – 300 words)
Henrik Andershed, Sweden
Studying persons rather than variables to increase usefulness to practice – examples from research on offending and psychopathy
Studying persons rather than variables to increase usefulness to practice – examples from research on offending and psychopathy
Sue Bailey, United Kingdom
Governance and physical safety aspects of detaining children: An international survey on implications for policy and service development
Governance and physical safety aspects of detaining children: An international survey on implications for policy and service development
Gregor Burkhart, Portugal
Beneficial cross-over effects of prevention programmes: on drug abuse and antisocial behaviour
Beneficial cross-over effects of prevention programmes: on drug abuse and antisocial behaviour
Theo Doreleijers, The Netherlands
Psychiatric and psychosocial conditions in Moroccan youth in The Netherlands and in Morocco
Psychiatric and psychosocial conditions in Moroccan youth in The Netherlands and in Morocco
Jérôme Endrass, Germany
Treatment of violent juvenile offenders: what works and which programs are cost-efficient?
Treatment of violent juvenile offenders: what works and which programs are cost-efficient?
Jörg M. Fegert, Germany
Lessons learned from the federal hotline for victims of sexual abuse in Germany
Lessons learned from the federal hotline for victims of sexual abuse in Germany
Thomas Grisso, USA
Keynote Lecture - Title to be announced
Keynote Lecture - Title to be announced
Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino, Finland
Ethical issues in adolescent forensic psychiatry
Ethical issues in adolescent forensic psychiatry
Cecilia Kjellgren, Sweden
What do studies of prevalence, risk factors and intervention tell us about adolescent sexual offending?
What do studies of prevalence, risk factors and intervention tell us about adolescent sexual offending?
Eva Mulder, The Netherlands
Collaboration between state, youth institutions and universities
Collaboration between state, youth institutions and universities
Helmut, Remschmidt, Germany
Juvenile murderers – etiology and prognosis: a 13-year follow-up study
Juvenile murderers – etiology and prognosis: a 13-year follow-up study
Renate Schepker, Germany
Adolescent forensic cultures around Europe – do we need a new understanding of adolescence for better informed policies?
Adolescent forensic cultures around Europe – do we need a new understanding of adolescence for better informed policies?
Klaus Schmeck (Past Congress President), Switzerland
Conduct disorders and development of antisocial personality developmental aspects and therapeutic perspectives
Conduct disorders and development of antisocial personality developmental aspects and therapeutic perspectives
Min-Sup Shin, Republic of Korea
The Support Center for Women and Children Victims of Violence in South Korea
The Support Center for Women and Children Victims of Violence in South Korea
Christina Stadler, Switzerland
Current perspective on empathic deficits in aggressive and anti social behaviour
Current perspective on empathic deficits in aggressive and anti social behaviour
Hans Steiner, USA
Live-Video-Interview: Survivors of the abyss: the risk of being a resilient delinquent
Live-Video-Interview: Survivors of the abyss: the risk of being a resilient delinquent
Robert Vermeiren, The Netherlands
Lessons learned from forensic sample studies
Lessons learned from forensic sample studies
- ADHD and Forensic Issues
- Description of Institutions and Methods
- Developmental Aspects
- Long Term Consequences
- Prevention Programmes
- Psychopharmacotherapy
- Psychotherapy and Intervention Methods
- Safety Management
- Statement Analysis
- Trauma Therapy
- Traffic-related Offenses and Crimes
- Traumatisation
- Victims
- Young Offenders
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