3 Ocak 2012 Salı

9 th Annual Hawai’i Conference on Preventing, Assessing & Treating Child, Adolescent and Adult Trauma MARCH 13–15, 2012


The goals of this Conference are to present the latest research, prevention, assessment, and intervention techniques concerning various aspects of child, adolescent and adult trauma and maltreatment and the long term effects if they go untreated.  Plenary and breakout sessions discuss the types of child, adolescent  and adult trauma, the dynamics of maltreatment and trauma at home or in the community, and the effects on children, adolescents and adults psychologically, behaviorally and neurodevelopmentally.  Nationally and 
internationally recognized presenters and local practitioners come together to discuss the latest research, assessment methods, interventions, and revention strategies for children, adolescents and adults who have been traumatized, abused and/or victimized.  Application of current research information and practical techniques will be emphasized throughout the Conference.


Adolescent Trauma/Youth Violence
Adult/Family Trauma
Child Trauma
Criminal Justice and Legal Issues
Healthcare Professional Dealing with Violence and Trauma
Intimate Partner Violence
Prevention/Early Intervention
Trauma in the Military Personnel and Their Families


This conference is approved to offer up to 18 hours of continuing education (CE) to psychologists (by the American Psychological Association), counselors (by the National Board of Certified Counselors, #5659), marriage & family therapists and social workers (by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, PCE#33), nurses (by the California Board of Registered Nurses, #CEP13737), attorneys (by the State Bar of California, #11600), and alcohol and drug abuse counselors (by the California Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse 
Counselors, #1s-03-499-0112). CE credits approved by California agencies are accepted in most states.


The Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) offers various support opportunities designed to fit any budget.  IVAT will ensure that your monetary donation will be made available to Conference attendees. Your organization/agency will be acknowledged appropriately in all Conference materials. 

The following are examples of specific sponsorship opportunities:
Audio-Visual Equipment Rental and Conference Recording
Facilities Rental
Catering (Breakfasts, Coffee Breaks, Luncheon)
Printing Costs
Speaker Expenses 
Opening/Closing Ceremonies
Workshop/ Session

Please contact IVAT for a complete listing of sponsorship opportunities and the benefits at each sponsorship level. Sponsorships range from $1,000 - $20,000 or more.
Contact: Malou Indon/ mindon@alliant.edu/ (858) 527-1860 x 4270


Collaborating organizations provide in-kind support and services. Examples include:
Providing staff for volunteer assistance during the conference
Printing, copying, and mailing of conference materials
Providing a representative to actively participate in the  conference planning committee
Disseminating IVAT conference promotional materials through networks, websites, listservs, and events
In exchange for support, collaborating organizations receive advertising on the IVAT website, dissemination of information through IVAT’s networks, recognition in the conference program and materials, etc.

Contact: Brandon Thomson / IVATConf @alliant.edu / (858) 527-1860 x 4030


President, Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma
Robert Geffner, Ph.D.
858-527-1860 x 4050

Overall Program
Sandi Capuano Morrison
858-527-1860 x 4410

Conference Assistant
Anna Nguyen
858-527-1860 x 4033

Institute on Violence, Abuse & Trauma at
Alliant International University
10065 Old Grove Road, Suite 101
San Diego, CA 92131
P: (858) 527 -1860 x 4031
F: (858) 527-1743

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