INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR FORENSIC ODONTO-STOMATOLOGY Bülteni'nde (Volume 34: No. 2, November 2012) yer alan "ADLİ OSTEOLOJİ, ODONTOLOJİ VE KİMLİKLENDİRME DERNEĞİ" ile ilgili tanıtım yazısını yayınlıyoruz.
The Society of Forensic Osteology, Odontology & Identificatio (ADOK), Turkey
ADOK was formed in 2012 by a group of forensic scientists working in different fields of forensic sciences such as forensic dentistry, forensic osteology, forensic medicine and forensic biology. The common feature of these scientists is having huge experience particularly in forensic identification in mass fatalities and also to be active in the current forensic practice.
Dr. Afşin, the chairman of ADOK, is one of the pioneers in the field of forensic
dentistry in Turkey. He had critical roles in identification of mass fatalities such as the Turkish airplane accident in Diyarbakır in 2003, Ukraine airplane accident in Trabzon in 2003, train accident in Pamukova,and terrorist bombings in 2003. He has also successful cases of bite mark analysis and had a leading role in identification of one serial killer by bite mark analysis. He is member of ASFO and IACI. He also gives lectures on forensic dentistry at Istanbul Yeditepe University.
Dr. Çağdır, founding member, is the pioneer in the field of facial reconstruction,
having many positive identification cases by 2D and 3D facial reconstruction
methods. He is the chairman of the Board of Council of Forensic Medicine and he is also teacher at the Medical Iillustration Department of the Medical Faculty. He is also member of IACI. Dr. Çelik and Dr. Şahin are currently working at Mortuary
Department of Council of Forensic Medicine: they are members of DVI team and Dr. Şahin is also the director of Forensic Osteology Division of the Mortuary. Dr.Büyük is currently Deputy Director of the Council of Forensic Medicine: his main concern is forensic osteology and he is member of FASE (Forensic Anthropology Society Europe). Dr. Karadayi is forensic biologist and his main concern is dental identification. Dr. Bekcan is currently working as dentist and she is studying forensic dentistry at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, and her doctoral thesis is about bite marks.
ADOK is a new society but founders of the society are well-known and experienced scientists in the field. We believe that society will be an attractive platform for the forensic scientists working in the field of forensic identification and will definitely organize national/international meetings in the near future.
The website of the society,, can be visited for further information.
Dr.Dt.Hüseyin Afşin, PhD
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