Karşılaştırmalı Güncel Ceza Hukuku Serisi: 12
Değerli bilim adamı sevgili hocamiz Prof.Dr.İ.Hamit Hancı'ya armağan etmekten gurur duyduğumuz Karşılaştırmalı Güncel Ceza Hukuku serisinin son cildi olan Adli Tıp ve Ceza Hukuku isimli kitap Seçkin yayınlarından çıktı.
AB ve Avrupa Konseyi düzenlemeler ile AİHM kararlari ve önemli Avrupa ülkeleri hukukundan Adli Tıp ve Ceza Hukukunun temel konularıyla ilgili zengin içeriğe sahip bu kitabın tıp ve hukuk camiasina yararlı olmasını diliyorum.
Bilim adamlığı ve insanlığı kadar örnek çalışkanlığıyla da öne çıkan hocamıza bu vesileyle uzun bir ömür, hiç bitmeyen enerjisinin devamı ve mutluluklar diliyorum.
Prof.Dr.Dr. Yener Ünver
Özyeğin Univ. Hukuk Fak. Dekanı
The subject of the second book of Comparative Criminal Law Series is Medicine and Criminal Law. As the twelfth book of this series, this book also includes some foreign articles about medical subjects, together with some examples about Forensic Medicine which is connected to criminal law. Examples of these Forensic Medicine subjects are; sexual harassment of children, academy of forensic medicine, rights of persons with mental disorders, regularizations of autopsy rules, determination of death for tissue transplantations, determination of the aims of doping in sports, the problem of reacception of embryonic anomaly indications in post-period abortion applications, inputs of alcohol and observations of post effects of alcohol, narcotics use on highway traffic. That is the reason why twelfth book of this series is called ‘Forensic Medicine and Criminal Law’.
Forensic medicine is a discipline, which helps judicial systems to assign material and spiritual damages. Forensic medicine helps judicial organizations in cases, such as; ascertaining cause of death, types and causes of injuries and ascertainment of judicial mind. However, Ministry of Justice deals with some different and widespread subjects; chemistry, graphology, traffic department which are also within the province of Forensic Medicine.
Chairman of Association of Forensic Medicine Scientist Prof. Dr. İ. Hamit Hancı, stated that, ‘‘Turkey is now competing with other world countries. Congress of Forensic Medicine Scientists which took place in Anatolia, helped to forensic medicine scientists to meet each other and start to work together. Since its inception in 2001, Association of Forensic Medicine Scientists helped scientists, crime scene investigation teams, staffs of criminal laboratories, forensic nurses, academic staffs who are working on forensic sciences came together and as a result of this union, a great development is provided.’’ Prof. Dr. Hamit Hancı, also stated that, great development was achieved in toxicology and a lot of types of poisons can be analyzed detailed. Also forensic medicine laboratories developed and each of the autopsy room has its own x-ray device. Now with the new technology, dogs are also used in bombs; narcotic and corpse searching processes, and the criminals can be found by their own smell. (20 November 2011 ‘Sabah’ Newspaper)
Twelfth book of Comparative Criminal Law Series; ‘Forensic Medicine and Criminal Law’ is dedicated to Chairman of Association of Forensic Medicine Scientist Prof. Dr. İ. Hamit Hancı and we wish his efficient works will continue.
Hereby, we also thank to talented scientists who share their knowledge with Turkish jurists and to all Seçkin Publishing family, in the name of Koray Seçkin for this edition.
İstanbul, December 2011
İstanbul, December 2011
Prof. Dr. Kayıhan İÇEL
Prof.Dr.Volfgang Eisenmenger
Prof.Dr.Rolf Aderjan
Prof.Dr.Hakan Hakeri
Prof.Dr.Yener Ünver
Prof.Dr.İ.Hamit Hancı
Doç.Dr.Özlem Yenerer Çakmut
Yard.Doç.Dr.Elif Vatanoğlu
Yard.Doç.Dr.Murat Volkan Dülger
Dr.Georg Schmitt
Dr.Katja Schultz
Dr.Frank Czerner
Dr.Canan Yüksel
Dr.Sinan Kocaoğlu
Av.Seda Koç Çevik
Av.Didem Ünlüişler
Av.Mehtap Düzgün
Cornelius Prittwitz
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